Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra 'Burning Hearts' - Smooth Oxeye

Smooth Oxeye

Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra 'Burning Hearts'

Also called False Sunflower

  • Sturdy upright habit
  • Yellow daisy-like flowers with orange centres
  • Flowers stand tall above contrasting purple foliage
  • Attracts pollinators


Orange, Yellow, Bicoloured

100-125 cm

45-60 cm

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Growing and Maintenance Tips:

Best grown in full sun to partial shade, and in a moist to average soil. Relatively easy to grow and will adapt to a wide range of conditions including drought and summer heat. To keep a more compact habit and more bloom count, trim 1/2 back in mid-May or one month before blooming season.